Hosting an Egg-Site

The network of recording sites for the Global Consciousness Project is made up of individuals who can maintain a continuously running computer with the necessary software. The people involved are listed in a table with a map and coordinates to show the Egg host sites. The planned GCP network will cover the globe as homogeneously as possible. Expanding the number of sites where data can be taken depends on having friends and colleagues around the world willing to host a site. This requires a dedicated computer, or a process on a multi-tasking system such as unix or linux, and as of November 2000, Windows NT/2000 and XP, and an internet connection. A constant connection to the internet (for example at a university or business) is desirable, although a dial-up connection is possible if it is automatic. We are adding new nodes to the network mainly in remote parts of the globe, and already have sufficient coverage in Europe and the USA. If you are interested in participating in this way, please contact Roger Nelson for more information. You can see some of the specific requirements here,  and download the necessary software if you decide to host an egg.

As noted, at this time we are mainly interested in locations outside the United States and Europe.

Email: [email protected]

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